The London humidity over the past few days left me wanting to wear nothing but baggy, flowy things (hence the midriff top with extra ventilation. Who wants a sweaty belly? Not I!).
Yesterday's monochrome ensemble was light and airy enough to manage the city mugginess... although I was asked at one point if I was wearing pajamas. I know harem pants are passe- I know, but I really don't care. If it's good enough for Aladdin...
And these silk babies are the most comfortable pants I own- with real pockets, not girly credit card size pockets, or even worse faux pockets, but pockets big enough to fit keys and an oyster card and at one point my entire wallet in! Granted, that did threaten to drag the pants off my hips (Note to self: Light and airy does not make for robust and weight-bearing).
The shoes are old friends that suddenly feel wearable again, what with the whole toughened up vibe of the A/W 2011 collections and return to a slimmer heel (which you obviously can't see, but trust me, they're slim heels).
The jewels are old too. The earrings are Marni, and my favourite style of ugly/pretty- a little bit bling with the big crystal and diamante encrusted embellishment, and a little bit 'something I dug out of the back garden' with the resin fans that look like shells caked in rust. The necklace I like because it reminds me of seaweed and bubbles- very Ariel, me thinks.
And my talismans...
You'll notice I wear pretty much the same things on my hands and wrists every day. They all have meaning: my watch- a gift from my parents for my 21st birthday a few (ahem!) years ago (thanks folks- for the watch and for rearing me xxx); the silver antique bangle from the 19th century and the multicoloured resin bangle- gifts from my best girl friend with excellent taste (love you lots, K- for spoiling me, and for all the rest xxx); the paprika coloured bangle- from my best girl friends sister (love you too, N- apple doesn't fall far from the stylish tree xxx); the jade bangle is from my boy (words cannot express... so I won't try xxx); the turkish fish puzzle fidelity ring from my parents (my Dad give it to my Mum before I was born. It doesn't leave my finger); and the Chanel ring (from Me! I deserved it). But they all remind me of the folks I love and make me feel stronger when I wear them.

This last one was just for fun. What? I often skip through my living room, staring up at the ceiling!