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Saturday, 20 August 2011

Bits and bobs after a brief posting hiatus

Disturbance caused by the London riots and my attempt at the 3 peaks challenge (which went utterly awry- we got lost on Scaffell Pike overnight in the rain and it took 12 hours to clim down to safety and find help), so have spent much of the past couple of weeks wearing a) my duvet, or b) lycra and mud. Not very stylish.

However, I still squeezed in a couple of outfits pics during this time:

1) A favourite cushion/proxy for my face when make-up free

(Dress: Cos; Necklace: Mimco) 

2) My current obsession- I'm wearing these Acne boots almost every day
(Boots: Acne- duh!) 

3) A favourite vintage dress paired with distinctly sour face
(In my defence, this was taken during the riots when I was alternately terrified and utterly disappointed by the rioters and I wore the same expression for about 48hrs. Face has since returned to normal)

(Dress: Vintage from a little store in Copenhagen; Tights: Vivienne Westwood; Belt: H&M; Boots: Country Road)

4) A tribute to the madness and loveliness of the times
Was feeling very conflicted for a few days. On the one hand, the riots were shameful and demoralising. On the other hand, the community response- the displays of support for affected businesses, peace walls and organised street clean-ups by regular citizens that occurred throughout the city- was pretty inspiring. I think that conflict came through in this outfit.

(Blazer: Acne; Boots:Acne; Jeans: Earnest Sewn; T-shirt: From Brick Lane markets; Flower headband: Made out of tissue paper one night at the Drink, Shop, Do cafe)

5) A tribute to B
Everything I'm wearing is B's clothing- the jeans and t-shirt were cast offs he was going to give to charity. I love them, perfect for mooching about on the weekends. The hat is "borrowed". I'll return it. Maybe...

(Hat: H&M; T-shirt: Country Road; Jeans: G-star)

Have a great weekend!


1 comment:

  1. Your Acne boots are beaut. You have great style.

    Helen, X
